Temporary Worker to Permanent Asset
Organizations have restructures or desire to implement something new that will require skilled individuals to assist in their projects. That’s when temporary roles come in. Have you ever been in a position where you enjoy working at the company and want to be more involved with its development? You are not alone on this!
You never know what the senior management is thinking, just because you were signed on as temporary does not mean there is no opportunity to be on-board permanently. That being said, there are no guarantees, but if you play your cards well, you might just get it.
Advice for Temporary workers
Depending on your attitude and work ethic, temporary roles are not something to be looked down upon. As explained in Curran and Associates’ blogs, temporary roles are important positions in an organization. You are there to complete a project; you are directly involved with creating or implementing a change.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Always be on the look-out for opportunity within the organization. Keep your eyes and ears open to the processes and news around the workplace. If you like the organization, don’t be afraid to be involved and want to be permanently employed there.
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Your mindset and attitude should not be of a temporary worker but of an asset to the organization. Work and think that you are the team. Make the most of your time there to show everyone in the organization, you can do it and you can do it better than anyone else.
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Go above and beyond your role and responsibilities. Put in more thought and effort into what you have to do, actively engage and assist with other parts of your expertize. Not only is it good work ethic, you can continue to add on to your skills toolbox or hone existing skills.
[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Just like in Point 2, I can’t emphasize it enough, the only obstacle stopping you from being permanent, is your own mindset. Don’t think that you are below anyone else and let your skills do most of the talking. When that opportunity comes up, you let the management know you are interested because you can.
[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Networking and Rapport are a part of your career development. Get along with your colleagues so they don’t think you are just a machine going through the motion. The more people you engage with, the more people you meet and the more people know about you…see where I’m going with this?
Benefits of temporary employee application for Permanent
As a temporary employee, you are heavily immersed into the company’s culture and team environment due to your timeframe of completing the job. You don’t have the luxury to gradually work things out and create friendships. This can be your trump card, your success and engagement with colleagues and management is clear-cut. They like you or they don’t, you will know quite quickly. If they do, you have the upper hand when it comes to permanent job opportunities. The organization knows you understand their needs, your skills have been showcased and you have worked within their environment.
When a permanent role is open that you feel, you can do, don’t be afraid to reach out and notify your manager about the opportunity.
Take Home Message:
Mindset, attitude and engagement; the three key aspects you need to keep in mind when you are working. Being in a temporary position doesn’t mean the end of the road for you when it is time to finish up. There is nothing wrong with voicing out your thoughts and desire to stay at the organization. If you got the passion and the skills, the organization will evaluate your application with open arms. When the opportunity arises, don’t be afraid to reach out and apply. Don’t let your self-conscience make a fool of you. Show them what you are made of and be proud of your accomplishments with the company. If you don’t open your mouth and ask, the answer will always be NO.