Boosting Your Career in 2017
We’ve reached the conclusion of another year and now is a good time to pause and reflect on 2016. Some highlights (or lowlights) may come back to you in a split second while others may materialise after digging through significant events in more detail. Either way, this reflection could reveal areas of improvement for yourself in 2017.
Struggling for inspiration on areas for improvement? Here are three suggestions to get you up and running.
1. Improve your attitude
We are not implying that you currently have a poor attitude! But we do believe that one’s attitude can always improve through conscious effort. Emotional Intelligence…where have we heard that before. EI is forever watching and forever relevant. Per writer Long Yun Siang, there are five career-boosting attitudes that can help.
Be enthusiastic: Approach your tasks with energy and be more involved in your work to enhance your enthusiasm.
Be efficient: When you demonstrate that you can work efficiently, it becomes clear that you are a productive, capable and competent individual.
Be excellent: Do not settle for less than excellence, and you will soon be exceeding expectations and surpassing your colleagues. Taking that step further than what you originally thought you could.
Be early: By starting early, you can be more productive and get a head start on others.
Be easy: Don’t be that difficult team member that creates conflict and troubles for everyone just for your own benefits. This will give you a competitive advantage over employees who are difficult to work with.
2. Take some risks
Did you have a pang of regret for not doing something which you probably should have? If you did then you need to be more of a risk-taker. A few suggestions include speaking up more at company meetings, offering solutions that may not be within your circle of concern and demonstrating initiative to colleagues and senior managers.
3, Network…Network…Network!
LinkedIn is one of the best tools you have at your disposal for boosting your career in 2017, so long as you use it professionally for networking. Use your existing connections to get an introduction to someone in their networks. When you send out messages to a new person, be sure to personalise them as much as possible so it doesn’t look like spam. Show sincere interest in them and be clear about how they can help you, and how you can help them. Doing so will leave a lasting and positive impression. There are so many professionals, you need to establish yourself very strongly to make a statement about yourself.
You can also check out calendars for industry events and local meetups. Ask questions, demonstrate a willingness to learn and emphasise your skills and qualifications in discussions.
Take Home Message:
No matter how you look at it, you have control over the strategies for boosting your own career. Even minor changes could reap rewards sooner than you thought. If you are not a risk-taker, take baby steps towards taking a risk. If you want to change your attitude, self-reflect and be aware what you do and what you say. The most challenging obstacle you’ll ever meet, is yourself.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!